We encourage every student to reach for their dreams!
Promoting and safeguarding the welfare of every student underpins everything we do at BSS. We aim to create the safest environment within which every pupil has the opportunity to achieve their potential.
Why is it essential in a school?
Pastoral care is the provision the school makes to ensure your child's physical and emotional welfare. Quality Pastoral care is not merely a complementary practice; but focuses on the whole student to effectively meet the personal, social (wellbeing) and academic needs of the students and staff.
Pastoral care can assist students in developing positive self-esteem, healthy risk-taking, goal-setting and negotiation
How is it done?
This is done through the quality of teaching and learning; through the nature of relationships amongst students, teachers and adults other than teachers; through arrangements for monitoring students’ overall progress (academic, personal and social); through specific pastoral and support systems; and through extra-curricular activities and the school’s ethos (Her Majesty’s Inspectors of Schools).
What does it look like at BSS?
At BSS, pastoral care was one of the many outstanding elements commented on by the BSO inspectors “The spiritual, moral, social and cultural (SMSC) development of the pupils is well above the standard required for accreditation and is a key strength.”
SMSC is a core expectation in any British school. It is not necessarily a taught subject but the ethos that runs throughout the school and all in it. At BSS our pupils have a good network of support through our teachers, Middle and Senior Leaders and the counsellor's work.
You’ll know when it works. A successful pastoral care programme means that your child is safe, happy, involved and able to perform to their potential. They are integrating well with other pupils and any problems are spotted and dealt with. We summarise it into three words: Happy, Safe and Learning.