The activities are conducted in very fun and interesting way, using specialized games. We use innovative methodology, which includes 4 types of games:
- Role games (the children imagine, create and imitate different animals, people and acitivities)
- Cognitive games (mind games)
- Games with different terms( competitive, relay, games with tasks and goals)
- Social games ( team games, which stimulate children to support each other and do different activities together)
What are the advantages of the activity “Sport and fun”?
Devoloping and building of physical qualities: flexibility, coordination, bounce, speed, durability;
- Correct physucal movements;
- Improvement of mental qualities- creativity, strong memory, concentration;
- They learn how to be confident and sure of themselves;
- Builing ot self contol and discipline;
- In each acitivity the children are educated, developed and enjoyed in safe and stimulating environment.
We use special methodology motorskilllearning, which is created by expert coaches with the main aim to provide training sessions for children in range 2-9 years old. The sessions includes more 500 sport games.